

New Member
Jul 14, 2010
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I'm hoping someone can help me out. When I'm driving I have a bluetooth fm transmitter that I stream music through, but when I receive a call I dont want everyone in the car to hear my conversation. So I need a widget on my home screen that will allow my phone to disconnect from the transmitter and allow it to connect to my in ear bluetooth. Then back again when I'm done.
There is a bluetooth button on the phone screen that will disconnect & reconnect the bluetooth during the call.
I dont know if it will disconnect from when & connect to the other though.
Yeah I know that there is a button to turn it off, but Im not wanting to turn the bluetooth off. I'm wanting to switch between to different devices. like if you went into the bluetooth setings,and the bluetooth is paired with one device, and another one on if you long press on the one that is paired it will disconnect that device and allow the other bluetooth to pair.

I thought you wasn't getting what I was wanting to do, but after I reread your post I see that you do
That button that is there while your on call will not connect another device though. thank you for your reply
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Have you confirmed that it does play the call audio through the transmitter in your car? Some devices are set to only work for multimedia (like bluetooth speakers) and some only for call audio (Like a headset).
If it does play the call audio through the transmitter, I think you may have to go digging for an app in the marketplace, I don't believe the OS gives more than an "on" or "off" option.
If it doesn't play the call audio through the transmitter, than you should be fine as it'll route that to your headset and the music audio through the transmitter.
It play both audio and the phone call that's why I want to be able to switch from that to my headset with a push of a button

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