Everyone relax, this is normal with any new update from Verizon, the reason you are getting both icons at the top is because certain Verizon apps that are being updated only use 4G LTE, it is a security issue implemented by Verizon, it should go away after those apps are updated, also if you notice anytime any data is being transmitted there is two small arrows beneath the WiFi or the LTE icon that are flashing "transmitting the data", so you know if your WiFi or your Verizon Data service is transmitting the data..
Still sucks the battery down like chocolate milk thru a straw. I talked to a tier 2 tech and he said to turn off data when using wifi and vice versa, but I told him I had never had to do that before this update came out. He also told me that samsung know about this and are supposed to be working on a patch. Hope it comes soon, I can't even send mms unless I turn off wifi and turn on data. Its nuts.