the iphone is a great device. its so popular that many developers are making apps for it because it generates them money while endorsing their apps at the same time due to the volume of its users. however, after using it for some time, the excitement of it wears down due to the fact that the phone itself lives strictly by apple's fences..
if i want a device, specially if i bought it on unsubsidized price, i want it to work for me and do whatever i want with it for me and not what the company specifies it should do. i agree with all the security risks that this might cause, but it is mine!
at the end of the day, after all the excitement wears off, you basically have an "eye-candy" of a phone that is tied to a network incapable of bringing out its true power..
i'm not saying the droid is perfect. it still has isuues of its own as well but it is truly better than iphone plus its on the best network.
so hopefully after the december update, most of the droids issue will be addressed.
This I agree with...I bought the Iphone on a Saturday and had a blast, Sunday I was still talking it up and downloading some very polished apps for it (like the other reviewer mentioned), Monday...still having fun, but there are only so many fart type apps that can make you happy. Tuesday, I realized my reception just sucked (not an Iphone thing so to speak, but ATT in my area bites), started wearing off and I realized this was as good as it was going to get. Thursday...decided to return in and go back to my Blackberry...ended up doing this on the following Saturday. Fact and the apps are doubt about it. However, this has happened over a few years. Once the apps wear off, you realize nothing is ever going to really change. With the Droid, and the Open OS, the future is the exciting part. So again, if you want the consistentaly, but eventually boring, Iphone then go for it. Droid is not as polished at this time or is any Android system....however, unlike the Iphone...there is a future of big advancement. Yes, they have a polished app for that, but you can only buy so many apps before you realize nothing is new.
And please has now been 8 days since the release of Android 2.0 and the Droid. Yes, 8 give the apps some time. Even tweaks like open home and GDE have not been able to get things fixed yet. 2.0 is a big step for Android so app makers need time.
Oh will also be 8 days (in 1 hour 20 minutes) since I bought my first Android phone, the Droid and gave up Blackberry. Unlike the Iphone....I have not even given it a second thought. Issues yes, but damn, what a future and that is what gets me.
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