battery life on gb has been about the same as 1.5 for me. went before the 2.0 dropped, and its taken a bit of effort to get gb set the way I want it. some things have been changed at lower levels so not all apps have been working ie. battery history isn't supported on my x.(?)
biggest problem so far has been that I'm running the phone enough to drop 10% an hour, reading too many forum posts and such.
since I know that gb will be coming officially some day, I'm going to stay and hope a 2.0 liberty isn't too far off. going back to froyo, then to lib 2.0 with a forseeable move to gb again just sends like too much treading water for me. I need to put the phone down and do some actual work at some point
-- off topic bits --
if you root, well yes VZW knows eventually, how is up for discussion, but the whole thing is still overblown atm, why does it only exist on a few forums with no wider mention? if action was being taken, it would get more attention than what we're seeing.
I've had no issues with the deodexed update, and generally from what I've seen too many people aren't fully taking all the necessary steps for things like this, then cry for help and still can't seem to make an effort to themselves. yes ask for help, there are plenty of ppl willing ti save you... but don't be an early adopter if you don't have the experience or skills (including how to search for info) to undo something beyond your abilities