Im gueessing ur rooted ur phone or downloaded a pirated app of the internet u violated the tos to. Join the club. Rules are ment to be broken thts y its called devolping

so calm down ur getting worked up over nothing
Yup phone is rooted so I can get a faster kernel.
Nope, not one pirated app on my phone nor on my home computer, I also get my mp3s from iTunes so they too are legal.
I am not getting "worked up" the people getting worked up are the ones who are breaking their contract and then complaining that VZW is looking for ways to bring them back in line with their contract.
"Rules are meant to be broken"????? Firstly, legal contracts (the one everyone here with service signed) are NOT meant to be broken. That's why they are legally binding. Secondly, you'd work for me for about 2 days with that attitude.
At my company, we have rules for use of the corporate network and PCs / laptops. We actively look at the high end users of b/w and data storage space. Those who get into our top 10% bracket get brought to my attention and I will actively go into their data stores and remove files which are not part of what the company allows. I've deleted 100GB from users in one fell swoop as we don't allow MP3s or movie files on the network. I don't ask, I don't inform, I just delete. They are violating the agreement they signed on the first day they became an employee. Last year while trying to determine why we had a huge b/w usage spike over the last month, we discovered a valuable employee was running a torrent server on his company computer on our company network. After much discussion between the head of HR and the employee's supervisor the supervisor wanted the person to get a warning, and HR asked me if that was acceptable as I was pushing for immediate termination. I explained that if we did not terminate the user immediately we were then condoning the pirating of music and programs and as such the business itself was now liable for copyright violations. He was dismissed about 10 minutes later. So no, I do not in anyway understand why people feel they are entitled to things which they clearly are not entitled to.
You are not entitled to use your phone however you want, you are entitled to use it within the boundaries of the CONTRACT you signed.
You are not entitled to pirate software, the people who created the s/w are entitled to be PAID for their work.
You are not entitled to illegally download music w/o paying for it, the artists, record labels etc are all entitled to be paid for their work.
You do not go into a McDonalds and walk behind the counter to grab free food, because you are not entitled to it.
I can almost always see both sides of an argument and I can usually even argue either viewpoint effectively. That said, I can in no way argue for the breaking of a signed legal contract that you WILLINGLY signed.
If you didn't like the contract, you should not have signed it. It can get no clearer than that.