Hello. First off, thanks dev (and all dev's, really) for all of your hard work, it's much appreciated. Okay, sometimes my droid will just turn off randomly, ever since I tried a full restore the other night (UD restore) and when it boots up it can't get past the dx boot animation. It's not bootloop, but it will just keep restarting (say "droid" then the x). I have to then take the battery and restart to get back to "M" so I can boot into recovery and restore one of my nandroids, then it works fine. If I just reboot from recovery it still does the same thing. Oh, and one time when it was restarting the animation, it looked like it was going to actually work and I got a glimpse of my home screen and saw my font from my restore, I think it was cartoon. This could be a known issue and I apologize if I missed it, but has this happened to anyone else or can someone help me out? Thanks, any help would be appreciated.