Well I have done my test for day. I've been using the built in Setcpu and so far my phone is at 40% after 14 hours of usage. I am using the default kernel at 1 ghz. dancedroid
How would you describe your use of the phone with those numbers? When I was using CM6 RC2, I'd easily hit 24hrs with 'normal' usage for me before the battery dropped that low. Normal, in my case, means, checking email, 25-50 text messages, some light web browsing, and random fooling with GEM/CM settings.
I really like Sapphire, but I'm having issues with the battery life being way below CM6. The 'stock' kernels cause my phone to heat up rapidly, so I've been avoiding those. I'm using Chevyno1's ulow 1Ghz kernel.
I'm in the process of doing a full wipe, but first I uninstalled Launcher Pro and SetCPU so that Android doesn't reDL it after activation. I'll install it manually after the rest of the apps are done.
On a side note, I hope a future version of SetCPU allows us to export the Profiles to an xml or txt file for quick export/import.