update zip posted here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=25690574
Soak Test Yea got E-mail today ....
Soak Test Yea got E-mail today ....
update zip posted here Soak Test Yea got E-mail today .... - Page 3 - xda-developers
Soak Test Yea got E-mail today ....
don't think any cm7 roms are based on new update yet, so you need to SBF back to 2.3.4, if you want cm7So does this method definitely work? I just received a free DX2icon_ banana
from my insurance after I bricked my D2 due to the bootloader update that rendered all sbf's useless. While I'm pumped I got this new phone for nothing but my own mistake :biggrin:, Im kinda scarred from the whole process and would rather not bricking my brand new phone. Moto blur on this phone is terrible and I would love to flash one of these CM7 roms i'm seeing ASAP! Thanks!
don't think any cm7 roms are based on new update yet, so you need to SBF back to 2.3.4, if you want cm7
Thank you for that information but I probably should have been more clear on what I was asking. I am running the 2.3.5 418 update and I want confirmation that it is possible to sbf back to 2.3.4 without bricking my phone..these guys say it is but this is the only place online regarding this downgrade considering the update was just released. An update is how I bricked my d2 with an sbf and I just want to avoid that from happening again. Thanks!
Raven, most of us that have done as of Wednesday got replacement phones with 2.3.5 / 1.3.418 installed on them. So we were never rooted, however, our phones never had previous software installed on them either. I do not believe that it matters, but I wouldn't claim to know everything about it. I can only confirm what I've done. I SBFd my factory new DX2 with 2.3.5 / 1.3.418 backwards to 2.3.4 with only one minor issue. That issue was that I had to factory reset after in order to get out of roaming mode. Before the reset I was able to root, install titanium backup, install items from my old phone and then backup the phone with my data from the week since I got my new phone. I am very happy with the results. I'm deciding between reinstalling the update, or using a custom rom.
You'll see more people making these mods now that the update is available
Very good to hear! Are you having any issues at all with CM7 - or is WiFi, 3G, and everything else working well? I'm going to take the plunge very soon - and I can't decide if I want to try CM7 or Eclipse... or just get rooted on 2.3.5, freeze some bloat there and stick with that. I'm generally happy with the stock ROM (when it's not lagging/crashing), but I'm sure I just don't know what I'm missing with the custom ROMs.So I decided to finally go for it and all is well. Sbf back to 2.3.4 went fine, as well as rooting. Now I'm enjoying cm7 which is showing how horrid MOTOBLUR really is because this is silky smooth. Now contemplating whether or not to update back to 2.3.5 and try out the 2.3.5 eclipse rom! Thanks everyone!
Very good to hear! Are you having any issues at all with CM7 - or is WiFi, 3G, and everything else working well? I'm going to take the plunge very soon - and I can't decide if I want to try CM7 or Eclipse... or just get rooted on 2.3.5, freeze some bloat there and stick with that. I'm generally happy with the stock ROM (when it's not lagging/crashing), but I'm sure I just don't know what I'm missing with the custom ROMs.