I always recommend you meet the seller at a store where the esn can be immediately verified. If it's good, let them activate the phone for you right then. You can then pay the previous owner. I've heard too many horror stories about esn's that were verified good at time of sale, but then failed when new owner tried to activate. I guess this happens when the old owner doesn't pay the bill or the phone is reported stolen or some such??
Good luck.
That's a good point... I normally just have them send me the ESN and verify it with Verizon over the phone, but that situation could definitely crop up. Stolen will definitely do it - and I don't think it can ever be declared good again once it's deemed stolen. If the old owner doesn't pay the bill, I think it has to be a situation where the phone number associated with the account is still on the phone. If the number is moved to a new phone and pulled off the phone you buy, the previous account's bill shouldn't matter.
I *think* :icon_eek: