Cable free charging


Active Member
Dec 26, 2011
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Current Phone Model
Samsung GS5
I heard that's going to be available but I haven't seen any cable free chargers around anywhere just yet. But that'll be a nice feature. I had to replace my Rezound once because the charging port got loose and stopped working.
been a while since your post but i thought i should answer it, on the s4 to acces wireless charging you need another back door with the connectors then any Qi charger will work, I went with an option on Wireless Chargers which has connectors that go right under the og back door making any and all cases fit as they should, the s4 option isnt set to ship until june but i still ordered/backed it on indiegogo
I have to say the Nokia charging pad is nice I may be sold on it do you have to buy a special back for the phone or will it work with one comes on the S4?
Like the idea of wireless charging, but the only times I need to charge my phone are at night when I go to bed. And I like to have my phone next to me for oh so many reasons. And putting one of those boxy chargers on my nightstand would be too cluttered. But it is an amazing step in the right direction and I look forward to when those boxy chargers are maybe little pads that we can attach onto our phone anywhere at any time. Or when we can use our Google Glasses to charge it just while looking at it :p

I have to say the Nokia charging pad is nice I may be sold on it do you have to buy a special back for the phone or will it work with one comes on the S4?

Does not work with the S4
I seem to remember reading that Samsung was planning to release a cordless charging back later this year.