I find it very entertaining that all you paranoid people think this means police officers will now just randomly search your phones for no reason. You are all either too lazy or ignorant to read past the thread title and understand under what circumstances the searches would take place.
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They're entitled to their opinions, as are you. A productive discussion should avoid throwing ridicule at people who don't agree with you or your opinion. We can listen to the other side of arguments without being disagreeable.
My two cents worth...
Read my post again. I wasn't ridiculing their opinion at all. Matter of fact, go read ALL my posts. I haven't given my opinion one way or the other. I was simply commenting on the fact that many people here who are crying foul are not taking the time to understand what it is they are so upset about.
Take for instance the person that just said, "All if know is if I get pulled over and the cop asks for my phone....blah, blah, blah." That is NOT what this ruling is about. The situation they just described is a consent search (which is a well-established exclusion to the warrant requirements), which can be denied freely and without punishment for doing so. That's NOT what this discussion is about.
The ruling is concerning a search incident to arrest. Your person and the passenger compartment of your vehicle (or the area within your reach and leap in a house) are subject to a search incident to arrest for weapons, contraband, and evidence of the crime for which you are being arrested. The courts are trying to decide if you have your cell phone on you when you get arrested, are the contents of it subject to a search incident to arrest like the rest of your property.
No matter how you try to spin, or what decade you are from, this is not an issue of the government vs. the people. It is a case of trying to determine how the rights established in a 200 year old document are applied to 21st century technology and situations. No one is trying to take your rights away, especially if you are not under arrest.
And regarding your "product of the sixties" and "all volunteers" remarks. You can try and play coy, but I understood what you were implying and jumped to no conclusions in my responses.
For everyone attacking me, realize that I attacked no one. I merely said it was all very entertaining watching people get all riled up, when they don't even take the time to understand the subject at hand.