Camera Shots with the Rezound, Share and discuss the best settings.


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Jun 6, 2010
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I didn't see one of these threads yet for the Rezound, I looked through all 18 pages of general discussion threads so my apologies if I'm mistaken. With this camera being so awesome I figured we could share and discuss the best setting's everyone has found.


These are all with natural light, how ever I'm have some trouble in my house. My lights are leaving an orange/brown tint on a lot of my pictures and really reducing the quality.
It does take some amazing photos. The closeup feature really surprised me. I'll post some over the weekend.
I'm still trying mine out. No flash photos are doing very well but anything using the flash gives the subject bright white eyes if they are at any distance and red eyes up close on the stock camera. I never had that with my Inc.
Vignette camera doesn't have the eye problem but the photos aren't as sharp either. It works much better on my Incredible than my Rezound.
Any suggested settings for the stock camera to reduce the eye glare?

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I took this from the WTC site. I used to work down there doing IT support.

Sent from my ADR6425LVW using DroidForums


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On my PC, I just opened up some of the photos I took on my Rezound.

Very nice photos. I knew the camera was good...but I didn't think it would be this good.

It's great to have a good camera on my phone...I'll probably be snapping a lot more photos now since it's always with me.

I'll have to play around with it and post some here.