I just made the switch also and its not as bright, but its acceptable doesn't look like crap. I initially never gave this phone any credit and I think most people are the same way. Its sales gimmick was a bit weaker for most compared to the forum over function razr, but compared to the razr and bionic its is a very solid product. The last crop of motorola phones, especially the bionic, have had a number of significant problems that im not having on the rezound. Apps dont disappear, keeps connected to 4G, the screen is unanimously one of the best made, and you get a gimmicky set of headphones that really arent that bad.Thanks, and yes, if you remember to take notice on a sunny day, it is most appreciated. Again, the Rezound has a gorgeous display but if I can't see it in daylight or a brightly lit surrounding, then it isn't meaningful to me.I struggled for almost 2 years with OG Droid in sunlight and would rather not experience it again.
And as for this whole' "Its not that bad" or "You get used to it" COME ON!!! If something is acceptable or good you dont have to get used to it because its already good without you pulling mental gymnastic to justify your screen looking like one step up from a freaking light bright.
The rezound also holds 4G waaaaay better than the bionic if one could claim the bionic could hold a 4G signal. Which to me is kinda a clutch thing when your are buying a 4G device.
As for the battery im finding that unbroken in it last about the same amount of time as the bionic, so hopefully as it gets broken in it will surpass that giving it another win over the bionic.
In summation, this is a very underrated solid device.