I just switched from the galaxy s3 to the maxx hd. So far I miss my s3 and will probably have a lot of questions. I have 14 days to change my mind but hopefully I can fall in love with this phone. The camera on my s3 worked much better than this one. Is there an app out there that will make the camera work better? (It lags a bit and the pictures aren't that great although both are 8mp).
As far as taking a screen shot - I know I am suppose to use the power button and vol down but it only seems to work 1 out of 100 times...is there an easier way to do this?
Also, how do I do a fake battery pull since the battery is not removable?
Thank you
Also, is there a setting to see the battery percentage?
I am loving the battery life but getting more aggravated with this phone. I am going to creat a new post so I can hopefully get it solved (people may not look at camera to help me with this new problem.
I don't know if this is a Motorola problem or a razr problem but recall issues with my old razr. My gmail works just fine but my aol doesn't - which is my main email. Very frustrated!