T Tat2 New Member Mar 23, 2010 #1 Can I connect the Droid to my laptop and use the 3G signal to get online through the laptop as if the laptop were using it as a wireless?
Can I connect the Droid to my laptop and use the 3G signal to get online through the laptop as if the laptop were using it as a wireless?
L LtKen Silver Member Mar 23, 2010 #2 Do a search for 'tether' or 'tethering' and you'll find yourself in information heaven/overload. Have fun.
Do a search for 'tether' or 'tethering' and you'll find yourself in information heaven/overload. Have fun.
M mwhartman Super Moderator/RS Premium Member Mar 23, 2010 #3 Here is a link (http://www.droidforums.net/forum/droid-general-discussions/31837-new-droid-lots-questions.html) to a current thread that may help you. Mike
Here is a link (http://www.droidforums.net/forum/droid-general-discussions/31837-new-droid-lots-questions.html) to a current thread that may help you. Mike
T thebowers Premium Member Premium Member Theme Developer Mar 23, 2010 #4 Yes just look for PDANet on the market. So far the best one that I have used. Also if rooted you could use Wifi tether.
Yes just look for PDANet on the market. So far the best one that I have used. Also if rooted you could use Wifi tether.