Can I put HTC Sense UI on Droid X?

I actually decided not to get the X and either go with the Incredible or the Droid 2
BOOOO!!!..........haha jk but i still think your missin out. :). At least you chose a droid
I actually decided not to get the X and either go with the Incredible or the Droid 2

Ahh Success!!!!

Just kidding. Either way you'll be happy with any of the phones. And like stated above, in store models aren't very good comparisons, they get all sorts of crazyness done to them. You may have aids just from touching them.
I'm an EVO 4G user who is being forced to go to Verizon. I reviewed the Motorola interface and it felt cheap and primitive compared to HTC's Sense. It was like going from Ubuntu to Slackware (c. 2000) or jumping from Windows 7 back to 2000. Sure it runs everything, but it's just clunky and lacking. I've tried LauncherPro, but it still looked weak by comparison. (Although a marked improvement over the stock Moto dash.)

Does anyone know of any packages out there that replace the entire dash, like LauncherPro, that also include decent widgets for email, calendar, etc?
Welcome to the dark side.... *cue imperial march*

...anyway, dork moment aside, welcome. I'll avoid throwing my opinions on Sense into the mix (don't want to fight), and instead just agree that motoblur is a heap of garbage.

I know you said you tried LauncherPro and found it lacking, but what about LauncherPro Plus? It's $2.99 (that's what I paid at least) and it can look exactly like sense if you wish (you can even download a sense dock, and customize it to behave like the sense dock). It also has several sense-like widgets including messenger, people, calender, and bookmarks. LPP is probably the most advanced launcher available at this point, ADW is a little behind it IMO, but check it out too.

If you absolutely have to have Sense, atm there's only one option. The Droid Incredible is a couple of months old, 3.x" screen, 1ghz snapdragon, HTC phone. And there is that rumored 4.x" HTC phone coming soon, but we don't really know anything about it yet (other than it looks like an enlarged nexus one with a kickstand).

(on a linux note, Gentoo FTW... Fedora if lazy, or it isn't my server. I loved slackware back in the day, 90's, but I switched sometime in early 2000's late 1990's... Jeebus, I'm 27 and sound like an old man... Back in my day, we had to compile our own kernels and fight seg faults, both ways!)
How about looking at my signature and you can see how awesome it looks xD j/p but seriously it looks awesome compared to stock and it has the other widgets like Messeges that I didn't show on the screen shots! Droid X = Famazing
Please explain this. Other than the obviously bigger screen and massive pocket bulge

Give your sister back her pants.

Seriously, anyone saying the Droid X doesn't fit in their pocket is either just parroting something they heard on the internet, or is wearing those god-awful "skinny jeans".

It's not like the X is a DynaTAC throwback or anything, the "bulge" is about as thick as the 2 is - it's just thicker than the rest of the phone (which is actually quite thin). As far as length/width, I never feel like it's going to fall out the way my PSP used to.
I know why I would want SenseUI on my smartphone. SenseUI has a much, much better Flickr upload support than any app out there. I've purchased 3 apps and none have worked smoothyl on my Droid 1 (batch uploads, nice file names, and overall integration)