sorry to bump such an old thread, but i have a very similar question.
someone i work with is getting rid of a Verizon Droid X because they are getting a new phone. he told me if i can get it to work on my network he would sell it to me. i currently have Sprint and am on their Everything Data plan which is unlimited everything. my question is, can i get this Droid X to work on my current plan with Sprint? and if so can i get everything to work such as voice, data, MMS and SMS?
i have no experience in flashing phones or doing anything similar.. but i am confident that with proper instruction i could successfully do so, granted its even possible.
thanks in advance for your replies!
yes you can. No flashing involved, first hurdle is seeing if they can activate the device, 2 - if they can, is it registering as an EVDO capable device in their system., 3 you need to activate the device OTA for the PRL to load properly.
4- you need the MIP settings for the built in data for the device, this is the settings for an older sprint touch pro, should work for Droid x on sprints network minus a few settings.
M.IP Settings:
Number of Active Profiles - 6
Active User Profile Index - 1
MIP_MODE - Mobile IP Only
MIP_Registration Retries - 1
MIP_Registration Retry Timeout - 2000ms
MIP_Pre-Registration Timeout - 30
Mobile Node_HA Authentication - Disable
Send a Registration Request On - Enable
Dormant Handoff Optimization - Disable
M.IP Default Profile:
Enable Profile - Enable
NAI - (MEID should look like A999999999B9B)
MN HA SPI Set - Enable
MN HA SPI Value (Hex) - 4D2
MN AAA SPI Set - Enable
MN AAA SPI Value (Hex) - 4D2
Reverse Tunneling Preferred - Enable
Home Address -
Primary HA Address -
Secondary HA Address -
DMU public key(PKOID) - 0
5 - APN for MMS
If you can access APN settings, you would use this or the MMS Tunneling.
Name: MMS
MMS Port: 80
APN type: MMS
Good luck.