Here's my package installer apk. Try to move it to /system/app. Rename the one in there to .bak Permissions will be RW/R/R
I did as instructed. Wont download anything now (not your fault!). Deleted SuperSU thought that might be the problem. Lost root (of Course). couldn't go back to original or change back to original APK.=, so couldn't undo. SOooooooooooooo wipe and did factory reset. Still cannot download anything from market (get an error). My apps are still on the SD card. I have the old Market app. won't update. YIKE. I really scewed up my Bioinc. Now I REALLY need help. Anyone? I think I need to delete the "NEW" installer APK and get old one back. A least I could download. Problem is cant daonload any root app to help me. Also, I cannot boot into recovery! HELP!! ha ha
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