I have tried tried and retried, I can not flash anything. I can restore my backups, but I can not flash the update or roms. I also can not rsd, or fast boot. They both fail, I can use the released 4ever fast boot, but that just brings me back to where I am now. when I try the 893 update the phone reboots and I get a message that fast boot failed, and at the bottom it says invalid cg recovery. If I reboot and then go into cwm recovery the update tries to install and fails I get the Android with examination. I tried saving the file and renaming it to update.zip and that fails, says
Failed: getprop ("ro.product.device")== "cdma_targa"ll
getprop ("ro.build.product")== "cdma_targa"
E:Error in /emmc/Blur_version.5.5.893.xt875.verizon.en.us
Status 7
Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
I wasn't suggesting that you flash anything. I think you should reinstall the Cheesecake app and follow the instructions:
Here's the text from that link:
1) Next let's make a backup of our current setup....just in case
Open Bionic Boostrap, select first option, wait for success, select second option...when phone boots navigate to backup and restore, backup, and make a backup of your current setup.
Next....let's set ourselves up to get the new update...what do you say?
2) Download and install the Cheesecake app which you can find in the first post of this thread
*Bootloader Unlock Research* Cheesecake Clarification - xda-developers
Direct link to download
3) Install the apk
4) Open the app and click on the first option "Click to create proper files"
wait till complete and you get indication of success
5) Reboot your phone
ok....so here is the tough part....Let's get the update 
6) Open the Cheesecake app again
7) select second option "Click to change server"
8) click on "staging"
9) click on "master-staging1.blurdev.com
10) now click the third button "Check for updates"
you will be greeted with a pop up saying it requires a Motorola Service account....just click setup to bypass it
IF you may see several options (
when I did this I did not see any options. The .893 just started downloading)....select the .893 option
When you select the 893 you are going to.....well....sit back and watch. It is an OTA from Moto that downloads and installs just like any OTA you have ever taken.....In other words, it will be an automated from this point on.
Good luck.