cant play multiple songs at once


New Member
Oct 25, 2010
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I wonder if I am the only one who notices this issue, but I can't go into the file browser, select multiple songs and send them to the music player. I've tried multiple file browsers and music players.

All I want to do is go into a folder and play all the songs in the folder. Instead I have to click on each individual song file to play...

All my music is organized by folders not by artist / album.

Any ideas / suggestions would be helpful.
The best I've been able to come up with is making playlists of the songs in the folders, though I didn't look too hard for alternatives.

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move all the songs into one folder.

in the music player play the songs from that folder, and it'll go through the whole thing.

if not make a playlist.
Yeah I don't really want to make a playlist for all my albums... there just needs to be a better file browser.

So I'm looking for the equivalent in Windows of right clicking on a folder, and selecting lets say "play in Winamp" or send to music player.
I also thought this annoying that Android didn't incorporate a better music player, but I have found that making a playlist works fine, as inconvenient as it is.
play by folder

3 hours later..... finally found the app. It's MortPlayer. - Main page

You can select your music by folder and then set repeat to repeat folder. It will then loop through all the songs in the folder.
not all cd's have tagged info or I choose not to get the tags for the cd I rip, either way I don't care about the info, I just want to play the music that is in a folder... MortPlayer will let me do this. If I want to make a "playlist" I can name a folder as my playlist and copy the songs to that folder, then play the folder. This way I don't have to use any music management programs to manage my music, I can do it normally via the filesystem / file browser.