Rooting your phone isn't against any ToS, nor is it illegal.
Rooting your phone isn't against any ToS, nor is it illegal.
i'm pretty sure you can download this stock build of frg22d, unrooted of course, and flash it onto your phone. that should take away root. has for me a few times.
there's always a way. good luck.
EDIT: not sure if this constitutes insurance fraud. apologies in advance.
Awesome! I'm going to have to try to get this to my phone's probably too large of a file to send via email.
I am also curious about replacements - assuming I ever get to that point. Would I be sent a "Certified like new" phone?
Listen, and don't take this the wrong way please. Not knowing how to download links to your phone and unroot it without a USB connection and trying to plug it in upside down tells me you never should have rooted in the first place. Here is the simplest solution for you:
Download rom manger. It has the option to flash the stock rom to your device. Its really self explanatory.
Take your phone back to Verizon. Tell them that its not charging anymore. I feel a few small drops can be chalked up to normal wear and tear
Sent from my Droid using my thumbs
Listen, and don't take this the wrong way please. Not knowing how to download links to your phone and unroot it without a USB connection and trying to plug it in upside down tells me you never should have rooted in the first place. Here is the simplest solution for you:
Download rom manger. It has the option to flash the stock rom to your device. Its really self explanatory.
Take your phone back to Verizon. Tell them that its not charging anymore. I feel a few small drops can be chalked up to normal wear and tear
Sent from my Droid using my thumbs
Speaking of ROM Manager, when you load the stock ROM, it is completely stock or does it backup your installed app's? I've always wanted the ability to load a ROM or SBF, and not have it backup anything, like it was just taken out of the box.
Glad to hear it.
With more use the keyboard tends to "bubble" out a bit. That is also a good indication that your pre owned device didn't have a whole lot of miles on it.
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