Changing From Rooted D2 to X, Looking for Quick ROM Recommendation


Jun 13, 2011
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Hi guys. I learned about root and custom ROMs on my Droid 2 which is now going on the fritz. I am going to buy a used Droid X just to keep things simple and not have to renew my Verizon contract and lose my unlimited data.

I spent hours upon hours researching and trying different ROMs on the droid 2 and finally ended up sticking with Liberty 3 on that device after running Liberty, ApeX and several versions of Cyangoenmod 7.
I don't want to go through all that research again so I am looking for a recommendation on the best ROM for me. Important factors are reliability, battery life and performance. I don't care too much about customization. Should I just root and not ROM or is there a ROM for the X that will work better for me?

Thanks in advance for saving me from having to read through a million pages!
I'd recommend ApeX, Shuji, VorteX Reloaded or RevNumbers' CM7 Kang. I've tried pretty much every ROM available for the X and in my experience those four would be the best for what you're looking for. I'd say flash them all and run them for a few days to see which you like best.