I had the Rezound. I believe the Rezound's radio was just a tad better than the S3 I have now. But the S3 runs smooth. I don't like the cartoonish TouchWiz, but using a custom launcher (Apex) solved that. I imagine you can get some free themes from the app store also. I think the call quality of the S3 is better, but it sounds like it cuts out a little. Clear, but not steady. The Rezound was steady and good enough for clarity. The only problems I have with the S3 is that call quality is still questionable (I may change that opinion later) and it has done some phantom dialing. I called someone a few days back. They are no longer in my call history or anything. Twice, I've talked to someone else, ended the call, and my S3 dialed that older contact from a few days ago. Anyone else have that happen? The screen on the S3 is better in sunlight, but to be honest, when watching "True Grit" (the John Wayne version, of course) I thought the Rezound offer a better experience. It's screen is softer and not as grainy, IMHO.