Charlie Sheen is everywhere....why?!

Oct 22, 2010
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United States
Okay, for like the past two weeks charlie sheen has randomly started appearing on engadget, tech crunch, cnet news, ny times, and a bunch of other websites I visit. My question is....why???

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The news loves a good disaster. Sheen is a good disaster.
But why are they bringing him up everywhere all of a sudden? Why didn't this happen 6 months ago? Why only recently?

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I don't watch much TV. Well, no TV at all if you're talking prime time shows, haven't in 15 years.

Consequently, I have no idea what his condition was 6 months ago. Has this saga been going on for 6 months?:icon_eek:
Guess were going to have to start working on some anti sheen ware soon.

from D2G duh..
people love a good train wreck.

It's like the old Don Henley Song "Dirty Laundry": Kick em when their up, kick them when their down.

I've said this in another post: I don't see anything wrong with Charlie. He just doesn't take a lot of crap, he is very intelligent, and this is probably going to be great publicity for him. I never even watched his show before, I'd probably watch now.

I think he's a moderator here in our forum too. Now I'm not giving out any names, but those two or 3 people who look to see what I might say next, you know who I'm talking about. :D

Do you think that maybe what's driving Charlie off the deep end has been the Thunderbolt. IMHO many normal, good members have totally lost their minds over this phone. Could Charlie be a victim of TB mania?
So....I see nobody has answered my question....that's cool. I'm just curious what caused him from being 100% absent from the tech media, to today where he's been everywhere for the past 2 weeks. Did he do something noteworthy lately?
I don't have a problem with charlie sheen, I just want to know why he's randomly everywhere on the internet as of recently

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I don't have a problem with charlie sheen, I just want to know why he's randomly everywhere on the internet as of recently

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got fired from 2 and a half men

went on tirades

Called into Stern

joined twitter

got own internet radio show

is doing stand up tour
Its because he is trying to win media :) Winning winning

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I don't have a problem with charlie sheen, I just want to know why he's randomly everywhere on the internet as of recently

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got fired from 2 and a half men

went on tirades

Called into Stern

joined twitter

got own internet radio show

is doing stand up tour

Thank you for that.
For the momement he's a media darling. He's the carwreck that your driving by that you dont want to look at but it so horrific, that you must take a look to see what's going on.
Let's merge disasters - place Mr. Sheen at the Japanese nuclear plant...