Because he's a celebrity and celebrities love publicity. Good or bad. Any publicity is good publicity, as they say... or something like that.
Like all celbrities, likes to be in the public eye, likes to be the center of attention. Since no tv, cable or movie will take him, he's went to the internet. Then celebrity "news" shows take him on. Then he's back on the internet. Then people post about him on forums. Then he goes back on the interenet to be back in the center of attention. It's a never ending cycle.
Of course maybe...
:icon_ laughup:
Like all celbrities, likes to be in the public eye, likes to be the center of attention. Since no tv, cable or movie will take him, he's went to the internet. Then celebrity "news" shows take him on. Then he's back on the internet. Then people post about him on forums. Then he goes back on the interenet to be back in the center of attention. It's a never ending cycle.
Of course maybe...
Do you think that maybe what's driving Charlie off the deep end has been the Thunderbolt. IMHO many normal, good members have totally lost their minds over this phone. Could Charlie be a victim of TB mania?
:icon_ laughup: