If y'all don't mind me asking, I'm looking for the lowest monthly wireless bill given the fewest features for a Droid.
In other words, what does your monthly bill come to after adding up all your features...the voice plan, data plan, text (if you have it), etc.
Right now, I'm looking to switch to a Droid (X when they drop) from a Dare. My monthly bill is a shade under $80 right now. I have:
450 minutes - $39.99
500 text/unlimited to VZW - $10
Unlimited data - $15
Insurance - $6
And the remainder is the various fees VZW/gov't charges.
I know when I switch to the Droid, I'll need the $29.99 data plan, and I'm thinking about dropping the texts down to the $5 monthly fee...I just don't text very much any more. So substituting those and if my calculations are correct, I'd be paying around $90/month. Yes? Any other fees I'd need to be aware of? I don't really plan on using the mobile hot-spot option and I'm on the fence about Visual Voicemail.
It's too bad VZW doesn't do something like Sprint or T-Mobile (I forget which one)...$70/month or whatever for unlimited everything. But I guess when you have a superior network, you pay a premium price. Heh.
In other words, what does your monthly bill come to after adding up all your features...the voice plan, data plan, text (if you have it), etc.
Right now, I'm looking to switch to a Droid (X when they drop) from a Dare. My monthly bill is a shade under $80 right now. I have:
450 minutes - $39.99
500 text/unlimited to VZW - $10
Unlimited data - $15
Insurance - $6
And the remainder is the various fees VZW/gov't charges.
I know when I switch to the Droid, I'll need the $29.99 data plan, and I'm thinking about dropping the texts down to the $5 monthly fee...I just don't text very much any more. So substituting those and if my calculations are correct, I'd be paying around $90/month. Yes? Any other fees I'd need to be aware of? I don't really plan on using the mobile hot-spot option and I'm on the fence about Visual Voicemail.
It's too bad VZW doesn't do something like Sprint or T-Mobile (I forget which one)...$70/month or whatever for unlimited everything. But I guess when you have a superior network, you pay a premium price. Heh.