For those of you who doubt Motorola and talk bad on them, let me begin by re-elaborating. They know what they are doing. Unlike most companies they provide phones to VZW nearly flawless of any major issues. Motorola has a very good internal test team. Things continue to look great with the phone of discussion.
PS: iphone lovers may enjoy a certain "thing" about this phone
You are scaring me now! lol. Whenever companies try to emulate Apple they always pick the BAD stuff about Apple - e.g. closed system. non-removable batteries, iTunes.
If companies tried to match Apples solid hardware and smoothness and leave all the other apple crap out they might just have a winner!

Seriously though, I am a big Motorola fan, as long as they deliver a solid device as far as quality and performance they will have a huge hit on their hands!

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