Loading it up now. Will let you know how it goes.
Cool, thanks ...
Loading it up now. Will let you know how it goes.
Loading it up now. Will let you know how it goes.
Cool, thanks ...
Loading it up now. Will let you know how it goes.
Cool, thanks ...
I'm Loving it! I have noticed that occasionally I get the unthemed "Unlock - Silent" sliders but I suspect that is coming from the app In Case of Emerency that I have running rather than your theme. I like all of the icon changes and once I figured out how to change the color of the clock on the notification bar to white like your screen shots, I'm a very happy camper.
I think you are ready for Prime Time!
Cool, thanks ...
I'm Loving it! I have noticed that occasionally I get the unthemed "Unlock - Silent" sliders but I suspect that is coming from the app In Case of Emerency that I have running rather than your theme. I like all of the icon changes and once I figured out how to change the color of the clock on the notification bar to white like your screen shots, I'm a very happy camper.
I think you are ready for Prime Time!
You running Tank's 1.1.4? If so, are you talking about on the rotary lock screen? if you are, that may be my bad - thought I fixed that ...
The clock color should be in the GEM settings ... you need to reboot for the changes to take affect.
I'm Loving it! I have noticed that occasionally I get the unthemed "Unlock - Silent" sliders but I suspect that is coming from the app In Case of Emerency that I have running rather than your theme. I like all of the icon changes and once I figured out how to change the color of the clock on the notification bar to white like your screen shots, I'm a very happy camper.
I think you are ready for Prime Time!
You running Tank's 1.1.4? If so, are you talking about on the rotary lock screen? if you are, that may be my bad - thought I fixed that ...
The clock color should be in the GEM settings ... you need to reboot for the changes to take affect.
No, I'm running 1.1.1 so it is the straight across lock screen.
I knew where to change the clock color - just forgot to confirm the change before I re-booted.
I have done some more testing and the switch back to the unthemed lock screen is definately coming from "In Case of Emergency" and only happens if I don't swipe soon enough. This may be by design, or maybe it is also coming from the ICE app, but I now notice that as I slide to unlock the new icon changes to the old when I get about 2/3 of the slide done. Does that make any sence?
Huh, that is strange. Is there any way you could disable those apps? This way we can confirm if it is the theme or the apps ...
I did disable the app and that is when I noticed the slider changing to green 2/3 of the way thru a swipe.
As I said, it's not a problem for me. I love the theme and will keep it until you make it even better.
Well Thanks! Glad you're digging it!Well until today I was loving Project Elite v2. Then I realized you sent me the link to this like I asked. Well, I don't have plans to move back to Project Elite unless this gets ported over. Yeah I'm digging it that much.
This is a pretty sophisticated and polished look. I'm running the theme with a custom ADW setup and some other tweaks, but as far as all the framework changes and app changes it's Renovated all the way. Pun intended![]()
Was unaware people were doing this - I've had my nose to the grind stone for a while working on this - not even sure how one would accommodate a theme to effectively work for those that are doing this and those that are not ...A lot of us have been tweaking our build.prop lcd density values lately to effectively give us a higher screen resolution. Most if not all themes I have tried don't factor this in. What effect does this have on your theme? Well luckily nothing major that's a deal breaker.
Awesome, glad to here it is bug free and running smooth for you!Besides some graphical anomolies caused by the lcd density tweak, I can't really find anything I that I would change, or any bugs that would be caused by any of your changes. I plan on using this full time...either on Sapphire or Project Elite if it gets ported there.
I will look into this. I am fairly new to theming and I have been using the apks that come with the ROM's I am supporting. I'll have to do some homework and figure out how/where I can get the latest and greatest apks ...There is one issue that you may wanna look into though before release. As Google continues moving their system apps over to the market, this means that your theme will be outdated whenever Google makes an update. Luckily your theme doesn't touch much of what Google would regularly update...but there is already one themed app you include that's already been made outdated.
So in summary...
1. Car Home is now a market download and the updated version is far more functional than the version that's themed. You may wanna theme and include the newer version. Or if you don't care to update your theme whenever a google app is updated then you may just decide to not even theme ones that may be updated regularly.
Not too sure what you mean here ... again I have never tweaked my screen density.2. The image used in the notification pulldown is tight. The only issue is the pattern begins to repeat itself if the screen density is changed to a lower value. Really this is barely noticable and is a result of a user tweak.
My concern is, if I tackle the high resolution issue would that theme be suitable for those using standard resolution? Theming is extremely time consuming as it is, trying to produce two of the same theme for each ROM would be insane :biggrin:3. Those changing their screen density will also have issues with the rotary lockscreen. The image doesn't scale to properly fit a "higher" resolution. Again this isn't a theme issue, but if you tackled these issues then you would be the first who I know to begin themeing with consideration to dynamic screen resolutions.
I've only had the theme running since earlier today but I've used the phone rather extensively. I plan on sticking with this theme because I really like it, so if I come across anything else I'll let you know. I'm not jumping ship soon![]()
ro.sf.lcd_density=[COLOR=RED]192[/COLOR] # default is 240 on a Droid1