An SD slot card reader is no built in which most want. When you start adding periferary (spelling) objects to have the same functionality that somethign else has built in is not a fair comparison nor is it even. The tool with the feature built in woudl still win in that arguement.
What can you really do with an SD card reader on a tablet anyway? Pictures from a camera? Download music? I would rather start seeing 32GB, 64GB and 128GB options for tablets at the same price. If you need to upload something, get the adapter. Think of how many things are wireless now, why the memory cards?
Move around files, pics, movies, apps, ect. Much easier to have expandable memory option built in then have a system be locked down and need an adaptor. Once you start to need to add more adaptors and everything else away from the base unit the more redicilous the price starts to get.
# of apps can be important though many are blown up versions of the iPhone apps whereas honeycomb is a tablet dedicated OS which was overlooked by yourself. Sure Apple has more apps but it is also a year older. To have nearly 100 apps out for honeycomb when it has been out what a week is impressive and they will continue to grow. I imagine both Apple and Droid to be on similar footing come next year in terms of apps much like they are getting in the phone market.
ok, so honeycomb is its own OS... can you explain to me the benefit? If they shared OS's, then you would have a lot more than 100 apps right now, correct? Which is exactly what Apple did and had the ability to use all of the iPhone/Touch apps on the iPad right away. That is great marketing! Plus, Apple test all applications sent to the market. That is great QA, I wish Microsoft did that "for free".
Yes the OS is set up for the full use of the tablet to sieze all of its power vs. something realy designed for the iPhone and extended in size for the iPad. Yes more apps woudl be beneficial BUT creating a new OS made to capture the tablet will allow more intense apps set up to truely utilize the power of the tablet. You can argue that Apple tests all apps on market but the counter arguement to that is that the iPad is a closed platform unless you wish to go through the effort to jailbreak it and whatnot. I want a system I pay that much money for to be able to do whatever I want.
Flash is good for watching porn... HAHA J/K![]()
HTML 5 will stream any file to any source based on what the source can handle and the bandwidth to the device. Doesn't that sound smarter? No more, "well... am I compatible?" Company's like Netflix and Hulu are going down this route because apple made it completely open sourced. Flash is not a true open source and you need to update it all the time. It is also draining on a portable device, which is the #1 reason why Apple did not go with flash on their portable devices. They like long battery life. Me too..
We keep hearing this but it has yet to come about. HTML5 might be all its cracked up to be but unless I am wrong Android can utilize that as well BUT has the addition of the ability to use Flash should you wish. Again giving the consumer a choice.
Oh and porn is cool too. lol
Both options are still too expensive for me to consider at this point. Too much of an upcharge over a netbook or laptop for the formfactor. If they were in the $4-500 range for wifi only I woudl be all in so hopefully the Ipad2 is the competitive driver needed for the Xoom to lower prices and vice versa. I want a price war to make these things more affordable.
I with you on this one. They are really expensive! The iPad 2 came in at the same prices as the first iPad, which makes it a better choice than the XOOM, depending on what features you are looking for (Apps, battery life, power, stability, support, and market tested)[/quote]
If at same price then it would not give it any ground on the xoom once the wifi for the xoom comes out. comparing 3G (note no 4G) they are pretty even in price. In terms of features i would give the nod to the Xoom with the exception of apps but they are coming. Oh and the iPad gets a big nod from me for the cover they made for it. That is snazzy.
I like that there are options to meet anyones need but if you are talking straight up specs like this thread intended to do then the iPad2 loses slightly to the Xoom which is unfortunate considering a lot of the talk of added features in recent days...
This thread does not compare the iPad 2 to the XOOM.
Apple - iPad - View the technical specifications for iPad.
That should help clear things up for you.
I like the dancing banana
:icon_ banana:[/QUOTE]
I am aware of the specs for the iPad2. This thread got pulled back up today which is why I posted in it but after the announcement assumed we all saw the specs. I was expecting more from Apple. I was REALLY hoping for a USB without the apple connector so when you go to someone's house or something you can plug in with their cords no matter what.