And to add to this, I looked at my RC3 NAND and I never had the 2.6..... folder in /modules/ dir. I have copied over that compcache file to see if just copying it over will make any difference and moving the ramswap file back to the /modules dir. Other than that, I cant think of anything else.
EDIT: Still no workie. So its gotta be deeper I guess.
Worked fine for me.
I installed RC4, P3Droid Kernel and the ramzswap module.
I had to move the ramzswap.ko file into /system/lib/modules/, like I mentioned. Yes, I had to create that directory. If that directory DOESN'T exist, when you type "modprobe ramzswap" it will fail. It's something "off" about the version of busybox that comes with CM.
I am having BT issues so I am going to flash a nightly tonight when I get home. And will try this again. Thanks for following up on it.