to op you are in the wrong section, this is d2g.
Ok, I'll change my profile. I thought I had mentioned the correct model in my original post, and another poster here pointed out that I forgot the G in my profile, so... did you go to my profile to see what phone I had,
instead of reading my posts?
EDIT: I changed my profile. I had not noticed that the phone model is under my avatar to the left of the post. But the first sentence of my first post in this thread started with "I've had my Droid 2 Global for almost three months now...."
Also, every phone is different from the next, even if its the same model. Just about everyone is root user with usb debug on.
Read Post 15. Also, I am totally new to smart phones,
as I mentioned. Again, reading my profiles instead of my posts? And, oh yeah -- when you first got your first smartphone, were you automatically a root user with usb debug on?
I suspect that, being on this forum, you've forgotten that there was a time when you did not know about this, and since you're only exposed to people who have taken the time to find out about this forum and write for help, you have no idea how large is the percentage of Droid 2 Global users who have no idea what that is and could not care less. You're like the Democrat who has never met anyone who voted for Bush -- yet no matter how you cut it,
about half of the entire population did. Be aware that you're out of contact with a large percentage of the population!
This is not at all a bad thing unless you happen not to know it, and then act as though you're in the vast majority.
Sbf is same as formatting your computer hd.
Thanks. Nobody had ever said that before, and it's nice to know. Now... why would I want to do to my phone the same thing as formatting my hard drive? That erases all programs, including the operating system. Also, I last formatted a hard drive in the late seventies.
Don't be rude when you are asking for help.
I did not intend to be rude, and sometimes people take direct questions as rude, such as "I asked this and such and you answered that and the other, could you now answer this and such?" I can't help it if "direct" equals "rude" to you.
I don't understand why you could not explore the drive to begin with?
When I first plugged the phone in, the window asking me to install drivers came up. I went to Windows Explorer and saw something that was the phone, but it apparently was the Android stuff, not the hard drive. The simple answer is that I could not do it because it did not show up on the computer.
Also, the first time I connected it to my desktop holder, a website opened and started playing audio! Worse yet, the connection at the desktop holder was flaky, so it kept disconnecting and reconnecting. And every time it reconnected, yet another copy of the website opened up. At one time I had five of them open, each playing audio on top of one another.
First thing I did when I opened my d2g was connect to computer and throw some mp3's to add music then look around.
I'm glad you were able to do that.
But wait a minute -- you say "every phone is different from the next," then you advise me and interrogate me as though my phone should have worked identically to yours. Question your assumptions. I'm sorry if that statement of fact is rude. Facts are often rude. I mean, we all manage every day to forget that we're going to die some day, but it's true, and what could be more RUDE than to be told you're going to die ? ! ! !