Ibm ps2 386sx 2md ram and i think 80 mb hdrive
Damn...makes me feel real old! I remember playing M.U.L.E. on my grandfather's old C64. I remember when he upgraded to his 128...and was in awe when he played MIDI files!
Oh..and what about the D,U,L,L,A,R,D cheat code?
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*LOL* I was a Commodore boy myself (VIC-20 and then C64). To be honest, I never really cared about the consoles back then, most of them couldn't really touch the C64 as far as gameplay was concerned. And I actually found the C64's graphics to beat the NES. Nowadays, I have an aging gaming PC (Core 2 Duo e6600, GTX 275 video card) and an xbox360. The PC plays all my games just fine at 1080p, and my 360 rocks for gaming on my 42" TV. I still think I got more gaming satisfaction out of the 64, I used to love typing in the game listings from Compute! magazine. Remember MLX? Was tons of fun entering all of those decimal (later hexadecimal) values and getting a free game for your efforts. SYS 49152, anyone?Admittedly I never had a Nintendo. I had a SNES for 2 games only. SF2 and MK. I was a Commodore boy so these newfangled console things didn't have much appeal to me until I could get some good fighting games. Now I own all 3 consoles and a top of the line gaming PC.![]()
My first PC (x86 based, that is) was an IBM XT with the 4.77MHz 8088 processor, a Hercules MDA card, and a 9" green phosphor Epson monitor. This was built in the early 90s out of a pile of junk parts. Wasn't exactly a gaming machine, but my brother and I still used it to play Microsoft Flight Simulator 4.0 - we used to compete to see who could design the more ridiculous aircraft in the airplane designer. I remember making one that was literally impossible to land. I think I gave it something like 11,000 square feet of wing area. Even if you tried to fly it into the ground, it would rise right back up. Fun times.Bahaha...My familys first PC was a Packard Bell with I believe a 486 processor. Windows 95 was still in the works!
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That would be the original IBM PC, most likely. I'm thinking model 5150.IBM...don't remember the name, but it had 2 5.25" floppies and no hard drive.
I found a C128 a few years ago in the trash. Used it for awhile when I was living at my last place, but since I downsized I had to throw stuff out that I wasn't using. Found out it wasn't worth much, and didn't have time to try to find a buyer for it since it was only valued at $30 or so. So back into the trash it went. Kinda wishing I kept it, feeling nostalgic. After moving into my new place, I realize that I actually have room in the closet for it, and I could have just brought it out and hooked it up from time to time. Sort of sad that I got rid of it now, as i'll probably never come across another one just sitting in the garbage; and even if I do, I threw out my 9 cases of floppy disks for it; so I would no longer have any games. Now i'll be up the rest of the night trying to find a decent emulator for the PC and some old game favorites.Makes me want to dig the ole C64 out and fire it up! Thought I was the sh!! When I connected to my buddies via acoustic coupler to share files!
Enjoyed the FAQ and this thread Sam!
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jayrod said:Too many to quote but...first computers I remember messing with in school were an Apple2, playing Oregon Trail.
second computer was a Tandy (can't remember which line) , and for computer class we programmed like this :10 goto 20, 20 print Boo,30 goto 40,...or similar and the whole thing was you had whatever the word you wanted displayed, it would print super fast on the screen.I was given my grandfathers old Vic20 when I was around 10, along with some games. I never got to play any mainly because the "HDD" was a slow a$$ tape player! Had to load each tape ,let it run through,flip it , rinse and repeat..just said screw it and went outside to play! My first computer game I bought was a 5.25 dbl pack...Frogger and wing commander. Guess some of you are older..
Care to guess just how old I really am? Hahahahaha
You are 37
Sort of amazing when you consider that our PHONES can run emulators for systems that are exponentially more powerful than the systems we used to rely on daily. (for the record, I am 37)
But you will be 37 this year
That would be the original IBM PC, most likely. I'm thinking model 5150.