Contest: Swiftkey Giveaway

Uhhhhhh......cause I'm the boss??! (If u have seen the youtube video "like a boss") then that statement is hillarious.

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Swiftkey was the free app of the day in the Amazon Appstore sometime ago, and I downloaded it then.
It could handle faster input than vlingo without pausing/hesitation, so I continued using it.
Then someone said the stock keyboard/input was ok, so I went back to stock, and it meets my needs.
Please give Switfkey to someone else who may want it. Thanks.

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I should win this

I am a tech maniac. I switched from a blackberry to an android and I am getting used to having no hard keyboard. I am a law student who sends tons of emails everyday and I often take notes on my phone. I need to be able to type fast!

I love my thunderbolt but this on screen keryboard is the only draw back.

Please, i'm poor and I like free things.
Hopefully this app won't cause many of these


But I will post a review:)
Don't add me as an Entry, I already have the paid for version of this app.

Just wanted to say, this app has been with me since it's beta, very good app, anyone who gets it will be sold on it.
Why i should win

I pretty much think i should win this because i am a BAMF. Jk the actual reason is that this year I got my first droid. And since then it has changed my life, i went from apple apple apple to, **** apple and their healthyness, and switch to droid. i love droid so much i got the Xoom after getting my Droid X. i was sad to find that the Xoom did not have swype, and if i were to win this i would get it. so yea there it is do with it what you may, i hope i win dancedroid
because my d2g sensors dont work anymore and i need a a better keyboard.
This contest is amazing! I slapped my mom because it was too unreal!