Could gingerbread be our fix


Regular Member
Rescue Squad
Dec 23, 2009
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The sentiment was if VZW knew the last ota caused reboot issues why did they not have HTC put out an emergency patch via ota. Now I wonder if the fix was just held for a reason, like maybe gingerbread is ready and might as well just list gingerbread instead of a patch. Let's see if there is something to that.

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I hope you're right. It will be nice to put this issue to rest. I've got my TBolt coming tomorrow. Hopefully I don't have this random reboot issue but if so, I'm sure there will be a solution soon. At least they aren't promising a fix to be released on a certain date, that would just give people more to gripe about when it doesn't release on time.
I get about the same battery life on GB. Never had any random reboots. GPS is fixed though. It's an instant lock now.
Everybody goes crazy when their new phone isn't working right, but that's what you have to deal with when you buy the latest greatest thing. When you buy they first of something, your going to have to live through its growing pains, and I hope gingerbread fixes one of the biggest ones.

Sent from my Thunderbolt!!
The sentiment was if VZW knew the last ota caused reboot issues why did they not have HTC put out an emergency patch via ota. Now I wonder if the fix was just held for a reason, like maybe gingerbread is ready and might as well just list gingerbread instead of a patch. Let's see if there is something to that.

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if so I think it's a stupid move. You break something on a premiere phone like this you need to fix it asap. How many people have soured on the TB and returned it/not gotten one because of the rebooting and gps issues?

Waiting for the GB update may make sense from an effort and financial standpoint, but it's bad for image and customer satisfaction.
That is true. The thunderbolt already has the battery stigma and to add random reboots. It just looks bad and it makes it hard for me to recommend the device until its fixed.

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