Okay, my two cents. I'm rooted with Sholes, OC'd normally at 800 but sometimes push the throttle to 1k. I use Home ++, have and use both dolphin and xScope as browsers (xScope seems to fly on Sholes, IMHO). I have the 2.1 gallery and thee or four keyboards available depending on application or mood. My primary keyboard is swype, which I hope will become legit someday.
Before I would even consider unrooting to go to 2.1 I'd need to know Swype will run on it. After that I'd need to find something in it that just makes it impossible to live without. I can't see that happening, but you never know. Finally, I'd need to be sure there was stability in the new release since I'm highly stable now, plus fast.
I don't see myself unrooting at all at this point. I prefer innovative, highly energetic and skilled enthusiasts such as the sholes team to corporate culture development. I lived in the latter culture until I retired so I do game a bias toward the former.
Anyway, I have no reason to hurry to a decision right now. Running smooth, running strong, and running fast.
Before I would even consider unrooting to go to 2.1 I'd need to know Swype will run on it. After that I'd need to find something in it that just makes it impossible to live without. I can't see that happening, but you never know. Finally, I'd need to be sure there was stability in the new release since I'm highly stable now, plus fast.
I don't see myself unrooting at all at this point. I prefer innovative, highly energetic and skilled enthusiasts such as the sholes team to corporate culture development. I lived in the latter culture until I retired so I do game a bias toward the former.
Anyway, I have no reason to hurry to a decision right now. Running smooth, running strong, and running fast.
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