Cracked Screen!

I just want to warn others of it’s extreme fragility.

you want to warn everyone of the GN's "extreme fragility"? thanks for the warning, but your one case provides no conclusive evidence to back that assertion. everyone puts out a crapper.
My GN screen hair line cracked mysteriously.

Others have no idea how it’s happened to their phones as well!

Maybe it’s the new fortified glass design that’s flawed?
Maybe it’s weather related, from indoor to cold outdoors?
Maybe it’s just a bad design overall?

I just want to warn others of it’s extreme fragility.

Talk about drama....I was waiting for the tears to flow.
i'd like to take this opportunity to inform everyone that the GN is not indestructible-and samsung's method of manufacture doesn't have a zero defect rate! shocking stuff! :icon_eek:
Yea unfortunately sometimes machines are simply defective in manufacturing, damaged in shipping, whatever... which I suspect is the case here. My guess is this situation where a few people have noticed hairline cracks is not a engineering defect but a manufacturing issue. And I don't see my Gnex as being particularity fragile. I pushed and pull the Gnex in and out of the Verizon car mount all the time for example. If it was extremely fragile the screen would be cracking by doing this. Now in a few months I start noticing hairline cracks I may think differently. :D
i'd like to take this opportunity to inform everyone that the GN is not indestructible-and samsung's method of manufacture doesn't have a zero defect rate! shocking stuff! :icon_eek:

Funny guy... ;) The point is.... if this is not the user's fault, it should be replaced. It's not really a matter of indestructible build quality. The crack on my GN appeared out of nowhere and was replaced by BB within the 30 day return window.

I agree with Capt....maybe not so much an engineering design flaw of the phone however it might be an engineering flaw in the manufacturing of the glass.
Not necessary so... Verizon will indeed ask u if you want to continue insurance but it might change due to a different insured device. I.e., the Razr is known to crack a screen easier then say a bionic or Droid x2.

Sent from my SGH-T849 using DroidForums

They never asked me when I upgraded at the VZW store. My online bill hadn't reflected the upgrade and was getting close to the 30 day mark. So I emailed VZW to inquire and they had to start Asurion. It did not carry over.

BestBuy Canada's mobile communications manager Danielle has worked out a 50% off new phone option for me, as their policy they say is no "physically" damaged phones can be returned.

I have asked for an Iphone 4s 64gb in order to resell it and recoup my loss with via the accelerated deprecation screen defect of this galaxy nexus.

Funny guy... ;) The point is.... if this is not the user's fault, it should be replaced. It's not really a matter of indestructible build quality. The crack on my GN appeared out of nowhere and was replaced by BB within the 30 day return window.

I agree with Capt....maybe not so much an engineering design flaw of the phone however it might be an engineering flaw in the manufacturing of the glass.
Wow this sucks. Makes me feel better about my Thunderbolt being huge. Anyone miss their OG Droids? I dropped that thing like 5 times on the subway concrete and street pavement, and not a scratch was on it.
Wow this sucks. Makes me feel better about my Thunderbolt being huge. Anyone miss their OG Droids? I dropped that thing like 5 times on the subway concrete and street pavement, and not a scratch was on it.

Nope don't miss my D1
Verizon Galaxy S3 Cracked Screen Same Day

Resently bought this S3 Galaxy on Monday By monday afternoon noticed a scrack starting on my left middle not touching the sides... Tuesday Morning became alive and grew.... From side to bottom of screen.. I've had different smartphones Sold Phones For Sprint.. And never saw anithing like this.. Today I went to the Verizon store and was told It was my fault .. NO Dents marks of dirt at all anywhere on the phone.. but my fault... P>S by the time I came home from Verizon I had another Crack Growing On the top side od this GARBAGE VERIZON PHONE.....
Sure do have a lot of randomly cracking screens. The real question is --- When this happens in the first 15 days, and they tell you "sorry", later on when it's a "known issue" are they going to give you a refurb or BRAND NEW DEVICE like they should? I smell lawsuits coming, either Samsung or Verizon

Googorola MAXX