Has anybody else experienced any issues posting to Craigslist using the browser on the RAZR or bionic? We have a Craigslist store and list from our phones daily. I can list from my Droid X2, Galaxy tablet, my laptop, and just about any other phone in the Verizon store, except the RAZR, RazrMaxx, Bionic... basically all the new Motorola 4g phones.
Specifically, I can write the title, the ad, attach the pictures, and when I get done and hit 'continue', it deletes the entire ad. Verizon says it may be a software conflict, but couldn't do anything to fix it (of course).
Any suggestions to how I can fix this without switching phones? I need the HDMI port, and it will cost extra to downgrade to the Droid X2.
Specifically, I can write the title, the ad, attach the pictures, and when I get done and hit 'continue', it deletes the entire ad. Verizon says it may be a software conflict, but couldn't do anything to fix it (of course).
Any suggestions to how I can fix this without switching phones? I need the HDMI port, and it will cost extra to downgrade to the Droid X2.