Chill out dudes, you make it seem so obvious that this would be considered insurance fraud. You can definitely get car insurance after you've been in a wreck (it'll cost more...but you can get it). You can also get life insurance when a family member is terminally ill. You can get flood insurance after your basement has been flooded. There are plenty of things out there where you don't HAVE to sign up for insurance beforehand. Don't try to scare the crap out of this kid for being clueless. I HIGHLY doubt he would recommend insurance fraud so openly on a forum. Also we jacked the OP's thread.
Though OP, there is a thread already about Bionic drop stories. Check it out and share there, it'll make you feel better.
Though OP, there is a thread already about Bionic drop stories. Check it out and share there, it'll make you feel better.