-Custom Keyboards For Your D2G-

Purple, gb style or the swype beta style would be cool. But then again a good looking purple keyboard would be cool

Sent from my DROID2 GLOBAL using DroidForums
ok im watching the download numbers, theres about 15 all together and no body is reporting problems so im assuming they are working? However, the red one only has one download, this is the one im concerned about because ive already heard it may not be working...

so if any one else can confirm that red is/is not working, that would be great

thank you guys

ill try the red again. I flashed it over top of the black glass one and it didnt take. Ill keep working on it tho. Once i get my computer fixed. Had to wipe everything. May be a while.

thats a bummer man, no hurry, ill see how this thread plays out and i may just wind up having to redo the red, who knows lol, not a big deal really.
Purple, gb style or the swype beta style would be cool. But then again a good looking purple keyboard would be cool

Sent from my DROID2 GLOBAL using DroidForums

is there a purplish/black theme for this rom? this is the second request for purple lol, which is fine by the way id just like to see the theme if there is one so i have something to go by when selecting colors
In this thread I will take requests for your preferred color/style of keyboard..

You will have to be patient with me because I'm a D1 themer, i don't have a D2G lol, but I had some good keyboards for other themes that I don't mind porting over. Ill try to complete your requests the best i can.

**Important** As I do not have a D2G I cannot test these out. They should all be in working order, however please have a backup plan just in case.

If any one is kind enough to take screenshots and post them for me that would be great, ill add them to the op.

These are update.zip format
please flash with care :)

Download Link >>>>> blue_keyboard.zip

Download Link >>>>> black_glass.zip

Download Link >>>>> red_keyboard.zip

Your keyboards look sweet! Any chance they can be made to work on the DROIDX?

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@haxerpaylay i can probably work something up for that if you can post that stock keyboard so i can theme it.

Sent from my Droid using DroidForums
@haxerpaylay i can probably work something up for that if you can post that stock keyboard so i can theme it.

Sent from my Droid using DroidForums

How wouId i go about doing that? Can I upload it from my phone?

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Feedback anyone? pretty please :) working? not working?
Working well thx can I get green and black one?

Sent from my DROID2 GLOBAL using DroidForums
sure...what shade of green?
yo! thanks for the keyboard!!! heres the pic you asked for, now i just need a custom theme to go along with what i got set up...
thanks rusty !!:)

purple/black keyboard added to OP
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