Cyanogen Mod ScreenCast App


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Oct 6, 2011
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One of the biggest standout features of the new Cyanogen Mod 11 is the new CM screencast app. It allows you to capture your screen in video form. This can be particularly helpful if you are troubleshooting your device. You can take a screencast of what exactly the device is doing. This will also be great for app reviews. There are all kinds of other great uses for this app. The only trouble is that you have to be running the Rom in order to use the app... that is until now. Jared "TheSmokingAndroid" has pulled the apk and uploaded it to the interwebs. Head to the link below for the download.

Probem parsing the app on download. Tried desktop to phone through USB and directly to phone using the MEGA app. Same results either way.
OK, dumb comment but: isn't ScreenCAST a bit of a misnomer? I thought the "cast" comes from "broadcast", i.e., to transmit over space. You know, like ChomeCAST. If I understand what Screencast does I woulda thought "Screencam" or "Screengrab" or "Screenpture" might make more sense. :happy3: Yeah, I guess I'm just being a grammar nazi again!

OK, dumb comment but: isn't ScreenCAST a bit of a misnomer? I thought the "cast" comes from "broadcast", i.e., to transmit over space. You know, like ChomeCAST. If I understand what Screencast does I woulda thought "Screencam" or "Screengrab" or "Screenpture" might make more sense. :happy3: Yeah, I guess I'm just being a grammar nazi again!


The way i've read about it in the past is it does cast to a chromecast. Does it only record what you're doing on screen?
Sorry for being so ignorant (I haven't really followed the "casting" craze) but my first impression was this is a *different* app from the casting app Koush has developed. I confess it sounds like the same one, but from poking around Google+ the only functionality I see discussed (other than installation issues) is capturing screen content. Guess I'm not motivated enough to join the beta group, download/install, and run it to see if this is just one feature of the more general casting application. Any volunteers? ;)

EDIT: hmmm, seems the casting app is called AllCast. Maybe it is something different? Err, wait...Google pulled the Allcast app from the play store, maybe he renamed it? Call me totally confused.

After getting the same parsing error I decided to do a little digging. From what I gathered this only works on Android 4.4.1 at the moment. Which would explain why I can't run it on my 4.3 LG G2.

Sent from CAMACHO, my Verizon G2 (VS980) running PAC ROM.