Android > BB all day. No contest. And I've seen and used everything. Windows mobile, Palm Treo's, Blackberry 850/950/Curve/Flip/Storm....
BB Torch is the only BB worth a crap and it is only on ATT. There is a reason BB is fading fast from the marketplace, among many reasons but not bringing one new phone to VZW in about a year now and still no announcement on plans to do so???? Dumb move RIM. Dumb....
O but wait... they are going to launch a rtablet in a day or two. A tablet, but not a phone? Who is running the ship at RIM?
Abandon that ship while you can still get to the life raft....
BB Torch is the only BB worth a crap and it is only on ATT. There is a reason BB is fading fast from the marketplace, among many reasons but not bringing one new phone to VZW in about a year now and still no announcement on plans to do so???? Dumb move RIM. Dumb....
O but wait... they are going to launch a rtablet in a day or two. A tablet, but not a phone? Who is running the ship at RIM?
Abandon that ship while you can still get to the life raft....
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