I think it's safe to say that this is likely a problem with decoding on the stock music player. I have 3 media players installed - stock, Vital Player, and Zimly.
I found one song that I could reliably reproduce the skipping sound at the same intervals, and played it with all three apps. Stock skipped as expected, Vital Player did not skip, and Zimly did not skip. Went back to stock, and it skipped again, while the others again did not.
Honestly, while this issue used to bother me, I completely switched to using Zimly almost exclusively two weeks ago. It's by far the best designed music AND video playing app that you've never heard of. I came across a mention to it in an unrelated forum post, and installed it from the Market. I was immediately in love with it's style and function. It has modules for music and video, and sounds great. You can actually "quit" the app, unlike the stock music player. It is constantly updated, and also comes with a really cool "pre-lock screen" lock screen music interface. Once you see it, that will make sense (it doesn't have a widget you have to add to widget locker to get music controls, it actually has a music interface that appears before the main lock screen when waking up a phone while music is playing - you can unlock from the interface, and it does skip the system lock screen).
Anyway...kinda went on a bit there...
Thanks leobg. I agree too that many might not even notice it when playing mp3s. Oddly enough, when I experience it with mp3s I can play music streaming over Audiogalaxy via the same headphones without issue.
The link is https://supportforums.motorola.com/thread/44033
Sent from my DROID2 GLOBAL using Tapatalk
It was EXACTLY the same issue with the Milestone - streaming played fine. MP3 were skipping. Another thing was it was not skipping when playing over bluetooth. I haven't noticed skipping over bluetooth on the D2G, but I have used BT audio very little on the D2G to be 100% sure it is clear. But I suspect it is same bug as before, just less prominent.
For those of you with skipping, try enabling StageFright.
It's in the "Droid Overclock" app under Extras -> Build Properties.
The tradeoff is that it'll break camcorder PLAYBACK functionality. Videos will record fine, but you'll be unable to play them back.
I don't think it's broken. I'll bet they got lazy and didn't update their gallery/camera apps to work with Stagefright (I believe Stagefright was added with Froyo)
Someone should post this on the Motorola forums.
Not only camera playback gets broken but everything high-rate video too. Youtube HD is a no go, etc. Other than that - music gets indeed fixed!
For those willing to try without paying for Droid Overclock - in /system/build.prop:
Edit: last line set to false fixes youtube. But player video playback remains choppy. Feels like it loses hardware accelleration. Maybe Stagefright is partially broken on D2G (and Moto disabled it for that)