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D4 JB update fail rooted with SafeStrap 3.1.1 HELP


New Member
SO, after 5 tries of downloading JB and waiting every time, it downloads just perfectly, but it installs to about 25% and then fails, reboots, and tells me my software update has failed. And nowhere on Gods green earth can show me how to successfully remove safestrap recovery, because Ive tried that, along with multiple factory resets, and got halfway through fastbooting but my computer couldnt handle an 800 MB download, and have been all over this website, and all I want is Jelly Bean. Is there any way to just unroot by taking superuser off and updating?? Some one please help me remove safestrap and unroot so I can update correctly!
Okay.....Safestrap recovery is making it fail, not Safestrap and not Superuser (root). You don't have to unroot either.

Use the Safestrap app to uninstall the Safestrap recovery......(you can leave the app itself installed).

OTA updates use the stock recovery to install, since Safestrap installs it's own recovery you have to remove that recovery so the stock one works.

Try that...as long as you have removed/uninstalled/delete/renamed/etc.. apps on the phone as it came the OTA should install...once you get the stock recovery as the recovery system.

Otherwise.....download the JB fastboot files and flash your phone. Not sure I under why you say your computer can't handle downloading a file.....800 Mb is not that much.
Would there be a way to find safestrap recovery and delete it alternatively other than through the app itself? ive already deleted it, i thought that would help solve the problem.
And not to mention that my recovery may already be deleted, seeing as how it doesn't go through the little "menu button for safestrap, search button for normal" phase anymore, yet the JB ota update still fails to install. Idk what to do. I've tried. Everything.
Yes i can pm me

I feel your frustration I fix laptops and smartphones for a living and flash them but still some of this software still kills me its like being a newborn baby and some one saying here do this source code .. anyway hit me up private message me and I can do a walk thru with you if you need more help than thru what I type ill do an over the phone walk thru , because like you I received a new droid 4 with ics and rooted it then it said updates waiting so after superuser showed and I thought I was rooted some root apps worked but most id not and then I just said f k it and applied updates they went thru but now I was rooted in ics and trying to root in jb . needless to say I found a way to unroot ics I think it was what the program said it did and said successful but who knows and now after a week of wanting to destroy every razor blade I saw cause it didn't work .I am now running the ota jb with S/U 3.11{which sucks} and did no bloat and removed some software giving me more ram and a little storage .
well let me know if u do still need help and good luck just remember if your kernel has changed which I don't think it did since you said the updates didn't go thru your on ics? well when the kernel changes to jb never revert back you can brick the phone according to the xda developers and I believe them dancedroid