Hello dear fellow darksliders,
I would Like to take a moment to.....address......... something.......something that I feel is big, no major, no epidemic! Something that has not been addressed! But before I start let me give a little hind sight. I've mentioned, or stated many ideas, but many times they fell on deaf ears. Or at least so I thought ......I've even posted threads demanding that we be recognized............but not until to day have we been heard.....until now have our presence Been acknowledged . Today has been the day that DARKSLIDE HAS THEIR OWN SUBFORUM! 40,000 / 1000+ replies and hundreds helped! including myself ! I would like to give thanks to those who listen to the people ,and did the right thing ( bbcrackman, jwtownsand, and crew) all who made my phone awesome.......also I just found out that darkslide upgrades your HD on the phone.......I hope on the next upgrade it will give us 3".........(think about it lol). Thank you .......thank you all!
You gotta give thanks to the awesome Admin here at DroidForums who made the subforum for us

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