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I've shown SWYPE to the professors in the Business Technology division of my college. They're all impressed and planning on rewriting their online courses to include data input via SWYPE.

I continue to be blown away by Swype. I've never EVER texted until I got the Droid, so I am brand-spanking new to the whole touchscreen keyboard thing. So, being a total newbie at it I'm amazed at how I can fly through a message using Swype; it was painfully slow when I had to poke around on the keys.
They really need to putthe question mark on the main keyboard

(brought to you by swype!)

Swype from the question mark to the space bar.... bam, instant question mark.:icon_ banana: No need to be on the main keyboard. Actually the comma and period work this way too.
So i downloaded swype for my motorola droid, followed the instructions step by step its my default texting yada yada... but for some reason 2 seconds after i start using it after i install the program a warning note pops up...

Trial period expired please update... Then it stops working all together.

Please help!
i have a question, is anybody having it say that it is configured for another device?
I can't seem to find it on the marketplace. I searched for it many times and I only get two different apps that are not even close.
seriously, the most I've used my physical keyboard since I got swype is either for clockwork recovery, or to store a paper note safely (phone number on a piece of scrap, etc.). swype is just that important.
Only place your going to see it is in beta site and its closed for now.
Though imo Swype is the best of the bunch, there are two alternative "swipe" input apps available in the market: Shapewriter and SlideIt. For those who are not in the beta program, these alternatives have generated significant support.
I am a really newby and i have down loaded swype to my computer now how the heck do I get it to the phone. Is there a direct app to the phone?
Idk why everyone loves swype, I'm personally much faster with regular texting (in portrait). With Swype I have to worry about making loops, going above the keyboard, and have to be pretty accurate. But the spellcheck crap on the Droid is amazing with the regular software, that I can type like a jackass and it'll still get what I'm saying