data push keeps shutting off by itself!!


New Member
Aug 21, 2012
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Sorry if I have missed this conversation, I am new to this site.
I am extremely p.o.'d with my droid bionic the last month or so.
I have a corporate e-mail account set up on my device.
I have the setting for my e-mail delivery as "data push".
I can only assume that this is so the e-mails I am receiving get to me faster.
This was the main reason I bought this phone.
Unfortunately my "data push" continuously shuts itself off.
Every time this takes place and I receive an e-mail 5-30 minutes late, it costs me $32/hour at a minimum of 4 hours.
Over the last, I have "lost" the potential of making thousands of dollars.
How do I get my device to STOP shutting off the data push by itself?
well, I went to the local verizon store and explained my issue.
"ethan" informed me that I had downloaded AVG anti-virus.
he told me that was the reason for my data push shutting itself off.
he promptly deleted my avg program and said "it should be fixed".
well guess what?....less than ten minutes later the data push shut itself off again!!!
HELP>>>>HELP>>>>HELP :mad:
Corporate email? Have you checked with the IT Dept?

I'm not familiar with corporate email like exchange (we actually use Google Apps at my company) but are there settings/controls on their end that can effect this?

Edit: after brief read... How about another corporate email client to see if it continues...K-9 supports 2003-2007 exchange...

-I haz Bionic
If you are talking about 3 g and 4 g then when I had this problem a while back I called verizon and they walk me through a factory reset and I have never had that problem since. Hope this helps!

Sent from my DROID BIONIC

went to motorola "online chat" support...useless...
was directed to "level 2" technician...
went through all his "fixes"...
factory reset phone...
reinstalled corporate e-mail account...
data push still gets shut off by itself and the fetch schedule turns itself on!
there are several others at my place of employment who have this phone without any issues.
going back to verizon store tomorrow, maybe it is the phone itself?!?! :angry:
oh yes, the verizon "on line support"....USELESS!
well here i go on a rant again...
after doing the "online support"...useless
after going to the motorola "level 2 tech" ...useless
after going BACK to my companys i.t. guys who determined that my phone was the only one that had this issue...
i went back to my local verizon store...
"techie" there (new one on my issue) went through my device...set it up as i have on countless previous times...
the device actually "misbehaved" while it was in his hands!! woohoo!
verizon techie says "your phone doesn't work right"...NO SH*T!
he schedules a delivery of a replacement phone! woohoo!
while he is doing this we have a discussion about verizon "online support" he agreed...useless!
thank you to all who tried to help with the issue on my device...HOPEFULLY PHONE NUMBER 2 WORKS!:blink:
bye bye droid!
after yet another trip to the verizon store...
"we can trade your phone in for a new one"..."no not that one"..."no not that one either"..."we have two that you can pick from"...
after all the b.s. i couldn't even pick the phone i wanted ...i even offered to pay any "upcharge"...
so, i purchased the iphone and it works wonderfully! :biggrin:
officially an iphone guy now!
sorry droid! worked great except for corporate secure email.
I will not go to any of those verizon stores they're all bad seeds. You would of loved the razor Maxx

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