It can. It is of limited utility though. Speeds are very much time of day and location dependent more than anything.
Post your services.jar and I'll mod it for you. You must be deodexed.
Would you mind posting instructions here for the do it your selfers?
Sure. The two files you need are also attached.
1. Download these 2 files:
2. Create a folder on your C: Drive labeled "Baksmali" and a folder labeled
"Smali" inside of that. (This is for easy access to the folders when being cd'd)
3. Place the 2 downloaded files in the folders accordingly. (I.E. Smali.jar in
"Smali" folder, and Baksmali.jar in "Baksmali" folder.)
4. Using 7zip or WinRAR (or any other zip program) open the services.jar file that you pulled from your phone. Copy the "classes.dex" file and paste it into the "Baksmali" folder.
5. Open your command prompt and type the following:
cd C:\Baksmali
java -Xmx512M -jar baksmali.jar -o classes/ classes.dex
6. Open the newly created "classes" folder (its inside your Baksmali folder that you should already be in) and navigate through"/com/android/server/". Scroll down till you see the 6 or 7 "Throttle" files. They will be located between "TelephonyRegistry" and "TVCableObserver$1$1". DELETE ONLY THE "THROTTLE" FILES.
7. Back out of the folders until you are in the "Baksmali" folder again. Now open the "Smali" folder you created earlier. Place the "classes" FOLDER in the "Smali" folder.
8. Return to your command prompt and type this:
cd Smali
java -Xmx512M -jar smali.jar -o classes.dex classes/
9. You should now see a "classes.dex" file in your "Smali" folder. This is the NEW compiled services.jar classes.dex file. Pull up the 7zip or WinRAR file you had open earlier, delete the current classes.dex file from the services.jar, and place the newly compiled one in it's place.
10. Place the services.jar file back into your /system/framework folder, set the correct permissions, and boot up.