Um...if the difference is so obvious, why would it matter if you viewed them side by side? Are you saying the difference is not as readily apparent as you earlier implied?Have you ever viewed HD side by side. Don't think you have cause there is a big difference. I don't care what an article says. I've owned both at the same time and played HD side by side. Gnex wins hands down. And yea I mainly watch videos and game on my phone
It isnt an article, its a thread. And it is talking about ghosting and burn in, not HD quality...They are saying that if you leave an image on screen for a long time on the Galaxy Nexus it will "burn" into the screen and stay there. Ghosting is where there is a slight trail left when bright pixels move on the screen. It is a side effect of the way AMOLED works. These are not Rezound fanboys talking about this, but actual Galaxy Nexus owners.