I've had my Rezound for 2 days now. I traded someone my old iPhone 4 (16gb) for it. The iPhone had been in the closet for a while, lol.
I used to be a Crackberry fan, but once Android 2.2 was released and I tried it out I was hooked. I'm coming from a Moto DX2. I liked it, but it just seems after the last update it really started lagging. It had a pretty decent camera on it, and I really liked it size wise.
As far as my Rezound....... I love it !!!! Between the screen, camera, radio reception, and LTE speeds, I'm hooked !!! I did go to the VZW corporate store today and picked up a extended battery & door, and shell/holster combo. The standard battery just wasn't cutting it. I was really surprised to see that the "Verizon" brand shell and holster combo comes ready to accomodate the bigger battery.
I think the whole comparing phones all comes down to real side by side comparisons, and personal need/preference. If someone is in love with their phone I don't know that there is much any one person will be able to do to get them to agree something else is better than what they have. I have a buddy that is still running a computer with Windows 98 and is convinced that is the latest & greatest, lol. I think the one thing we can all agree on is that there are some pretty sweet handsets out there right now, and that technology has made leaps and bounds in the last few years alone.
I used to be a Crackberry fan, but once Android 2.2 was released and I tried it out I was hooked. I'm coming from a Moto DX2. I liked it, but it just seems after the last update it really started lagging. It had a pretty decent camera on it, and I really liked it size wise.
As far as my Rezound....... I love it !!!! Between the screen, camera, radio reception, and LTE speeds, I'm hooked !!! I did go to the VZW corporate store today and picked up a extended battery & door, and shell/holster combo. The standard battery just wasn't cutting it. I was really surprised to see that the "Verizon" brand shell and holster combo comes ready to accomodate the bigger battery.
I think the whole comparing phones all comes down to real side by side comparisons, and personal need/preference. If someone is in love with their phone I don't know that there is much any one person will be able to do to get them to agree something else is better than what they have. I have a buddy that is still running a computer with Windows 98 and is convinced that is the latest & greatest, lol. I think the one thing we can all agree on is that there are some pretty sweet handsets out there right now, and that technology has made leaps and bounds in the last few years alone.