Thanks for your competent and responsive support of your fans here. I, too, am totally using Astro Player every day instead of the purchased copy of Bookdroid I have. I am experiencing one hiccup consistently, and am not sure if it is my problem or yours.
I use MACSOME to translate all my audible books to mp4 format. Then I copy the mp4 file to the Droid and listen with Astro Player. About every ten to fifteen minutes, I get a very distinct dead spot with no sound. It's often in the middle of a word, so I can tell it didn't skip any of the book, it just injected a one second white space in the recording.
I'll be comparing the mp4 on my mac with the hiccup version on my droid the next time I run into and bookmark the white space. Until then, I thought I'd just ask if you've had this issue before, and if you know of another conversion program that works better.
And of course, my dream would be that you could play audible books without conversion.